The different types of stalkers
People often associate stalking with someone lurking in the shadows, as a result of being fixated by someone, such as a celebrity. The reality, however, is often different.
There are many different types of stalkers, and many different reasons why someone stalks another person. This can include feeling rejected at the end of relationship, seeking intimacy, and being deluded in a way that makes someone think they are in a type of relationship with their victim.
Psychological research has broken down stalking into five different types of stalker, which is split by their motivation or intentions, and their relationship to the victim.
The rejected relationship stalker
Typically, this is carried out by former partners, against someone they were in an intimate relationship with. This is usually a response to feeling rejected, and stalking is used as a way to build self-esteem through exerting power over the victim. The stalker’s motivation is to try to resume the relationship, or to anger or damage the victim as a form of revenge.
This type of stalker has a high risk of using violence, especially if there was violence in the relationship previously.
The intimacy seeking stalker
This type of stalker will target strangers or acquaintances, out of a belief that there is a relationship or bond of some kind with the victim.
Violence is a lower risk than the rejected stalker, however this type of stalking can persist for a long period of time.
The incompetent suitor stalker
Perpetrators of this type of stalking are seeking a relationship with their victim. They are less likely to be violent than a stalker who has previously been in a relationship with their victim, and are often less fixated with an individual, instead going on to stalk different people.
The resentful stalker
Resentful stalkers target people as a form of revenge to a perceived injustice or unfairness. This type of stalker is unrelenting in their activity in trying to prove an unfairness or injustice, and can remain active for a long period of time.
The predatory stalker
This is the least common type of stalking, although this is the type of stalking most people think of. This type of stalker is typically a stranger, and is less likely to make direct contact, although you may see them lurking around.
This type of stalker is extremely dangerous, and if believe someone is following or tracking you in this way, you should call 999 immediately.
I think I’m being stalked and/or harassed, what should I do?
If you feel you’re in immediate danger, call the Police on 999.
NIDAS can support you if you have experienced stalking by a current or former partner.
If you have experienced any other kind of stalking and harassment, the following help and support is available:
- Norfolk & Suffolk Victim Care
- Hollie Guard app
- Paladin
- Suzy Lamplugh Trust
- Norfolk Police protection from online stalking and harassment guidance
If you feel you’re in immediate danger, always call the Police on 999.
Read more:
- What is stalking and harassment?
- Why do people stalk after relationships end?
- How do you know someone is stalking you?
- The difference between Stalking and Harassment?
- Know your rights around stalking and harassment