How do you know someone is stalking you?

By Published On: January 21, 2025Categories: Stalking


Stalking and harassment can happen in person and/or online and often stalkers will utilize many types of tactics to continue to exert their power and control.

On average, over 100 incidences of stalking and harassment will have taken place before the victim contacts the Police. However, it may be a crime if you experience two incidences of stalking. The Crime Survey for England and Wales defines stalking as:

One or more incidents (causing distress, fear or alarm) of receiving obscene or threatening unwanted letters, emails, text messages or phone calls, having had obscene or threatening information about them placed on the internet, waiting or loitering around home or workplace, following or watching, or interfering with or damaging personal property by any person, including a partner or family member.’

Below we’ve included guidance on what different forms of stalking can look like and often these types of incidences will happen together.  We would urge anybody experiencing stalking and harassment to contact the Police and/or NIDAS immediately.

Online stalking and harassment

Online stalking or harassment is when ‘someone monitors, stalks, harasses, threatens, controls or impersonates another person using the internet or other technology’ (Metropolitan Police).

Often the perpetrator will use digital platforms such as social media, email or texts to track their victim. Incidences could include:

  • Posting humiliating pictures or videos
  • Surveilling your activity through social media platforms
  • Posting insults on social media, websites and other online forums
  • Sending unwanted texts and emails
  • Following and/or contacting your friends and family through the above platforms
  • Creating fake accounts about you, or to follow you

Perpetrators also use technology to stalk and harass their victim, for example:

  • Using GPS items to track where you are
  • Using devices such as AirTags to track your movements
  • Using software and monitoring apps to track what you’re doing online
  • Syncing devices so they can track what’s happening on your device
  • Using geotagging and metadata on your phone to track your location

There are many ways to track someone using digital platforms and often they will be used alongside in-person tactics.

In-person stalking and harassment

In-person stalking and harassment is distressing and can leave people feeling fearful.

Perpetrators of domestic abuse often use stalking and harassment tactics to monitor their partner or ex-partner’s movements, and use tactics to shrink their victim’s world, so they can continue to exert their power and control.

This is particularly difficult when it comes to previous partners, as the perpetrator often already knows their routine. Incidences can include:

  • Loitering around your workplace
  • Turning up at your home and your friend’s and family’s homes
  • Purposefully ‘bumping into you’ at different places

With both online and in-person stalking and harassment, there are laws designed to protect you. It is illegal, and is a crime.

I think I’m being stalked and/or harassed what do I do?

If you think you’re being stalked and harassed in Norfolk, it’s important to:

  • Log all incidences personally with dates, times and what happened
  • Log all incidences with the Police
  • If you need support, contact NIDAS

If you feel you’re in immediate danger, always call the Police on 999.

NIDAS is a domestic abuse service that’s here for you every step of the way. No matter where you are in Norfolk, we are here to help you. Our aim is to listen to you, to guide and be by your side. You only have to tell us your story once. Our service will support you, your needs, your journey – your freedom.

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